Performing Arts Coaching

Performing Arts School Applicants

  • You are in the process of applying to a Performing Arts school and you feel unprepared, unpractised and nervous.

    • You want someone to practice/rehearse your audition material with.

    • You want help breaking down and working through your audition material.

    • You want guidance on what material to pick/choose.

    • You want to stand out and be remembered (in a positive way) by the panel.

  • Through one-to-one coaching sessions, I can help with the following:

    • I work with you on your audition material – we breakdown the material to its simplest form so that it is easy to understand and process. Then, we practice it and experiment with new ways of performing the material so you feel confident in performing a strong piece to the panel.

    • If you’re struggling on what material to choose from, I help with deciding what pieces are best suited to you and ones that resonate with you the most.

    • Performing Arts school auditions can be a very daunting thing to put yourself forward to do. Therefore, I can work with you on how to deal with and confront your nerves so that when you come to your audition, you are presenting your best self to the panel.

  • Depending on what you need help with may depend on how many sessions you wish to choose from, therefore I offer:

    • 5, one-hour sessions (£170)

    • 3, one-hour sessions (£100)

    • 1, one-hour session (£35)

Performing Arts School Students

    • You feel overloaded with the work you are being asked to do.

    • You don’t have or know how to have a work-life balance.

    • You’re struggling with a scene or a piece of text that you must perform and are not sure how to deliver it.

    • You’re struggling with finding and understanding your character.

    • You’re having relationship difficulties with some of the people in your school (whether that be your peers, tutors or mentors).

    • You feel unprepared with leaving or entering drama school.

  • Through one-to-one coaching sessions, I can help with the following:

    • Your Performance - I work with you on your acting whether that be going through a piece of text that you’ve been asked to perform, a scene or finding your character. I use a mixture of coaching and acting exercises to unlock anything that may be holding you back. We widen your gaze to the different possibilities of your performance.

    • Forward Planning - I help you find a strategic plan that allows you to keep on top of your workload but still have time to do the things that you want and are important to you.

    • Dealing with Relationships - I allow you to explore and unpick any challenging relationships or situations you may be experiencing in a Performing Arts school so that you feel you can handle and deal with them with care and consideration.

    • Victory Loves Preparation – I work with you to make you as prepared as you can for when you join a Performing Arts school in your first year, or if you’re leaving the school in your third year. We identify the obstacles that you may encounter, acknowledge why they are in fact an obstacle for you and then plan a positive way forward.

  • Depending on what you need help with may depend on how many sessions you wish to choose from, therefore I offer:

    • 5, one-hour sessions (£170)

    • 3, one-hour sessions (£100)

    • 1, one-hour session (£35)

Performing Artists in the Industry

    • You have an audition and have no idea how to prepare for it.

    • You’ve been given a piece of text to perform and it doesn’t make sense to you.

    • You’re struggling to understand a scene that you’re performing.

    • You feel stuck with your character and don’t know where to take it.

    • It may be the first night of the show and you’re unbelievably nervous and don’t know how to control and centre yourself.

    • You may be working with someone who is very difficult to work with and don’t know how best to deal with them.

    • Your life is too busy and so you feel as though you don’t have time for anything leaving you to feel overwhelmed and exhausted.

  • Through one-to-one coaching sessions, I can help with the following:

    • Audition Preparation – I work with you to make you as prepared as you can for your auditions. This can include:

    - Working on your performance. We practice and rehearse the material in different ways using coaching and acting exercises to unlock new choices for the character and text.

    - Dealing with nerves. If you’re someone who gets incredibly nervous when it comes to auditions, you’re not alone. We work through this challenge exploring where the nerves may be coming from, how it manifests and also use helpful exercises and techniques to limit the impact that nerves may be having on your audition performance.

    - Setting yourself up to win. Auditions can be a gruelling process and you may be a performer who has had to deal with a lot of rejection. Here, we look at some of the things you can do to set yourself up for the best possible chance of being successful in the audition.

    • Your Performance – I work with you on your acting whether that be going through a piece of text that you’re struggling to understand, a scene you may be struggling with or even finding your character. I use a mixture of coaching and acting exercises to unlock anything that may be holding you back and we widen your gaze to the different possibilities of your performance.

    • Forward Planning - I help you find a strategic plan that allows you to keep on top of all of the things that are going on in your life so that you still have time to do the things that you want and are important to you.

    • Dealing with Relationships - I allow you to explore and unpick any challenging relationships or situations you may be experiencing in your professional career so that you feel you can handle and deal with them with care and consideration.

  • Depending on what you need help with may depend on how many sessions you wish to choose from, therefore I offer:

    • 5, one-hour sessions (£170)

    • 3, one-hour sessions (£100)

    • 1, one-hour session (£35)